How to use 'Ultimate Boot CD' with usb stick

Download 'Ultimate Boot CD' from

(note 'Ultimate Boot CD' is not the same as ubcd4win. We need 'Ultimate Boot CD'.)

Unzip 'Ultimate Boot CD' iso uzing 7z file archiver:

Say you unzipped to dir D:\temp\ubcd528\
In this dir you will find: D:\temp\ubcd528\licence.txt, D:\temp\ubcd528\autorun.inf, and some folders.

Plugin in your usb stick in PC. Format it. YOU WILL LOSE ALL DATA ON YOUR USB STICK!
Right click on Removable disk G:, select format. 'File system' should be FAT32, check 'quick format'.
You might have different letter assigned.

If you use some antivirus that blocks access to autorun.inf files, like Avira, disable it. (Temporary.)

Start/run, right click on 'cmd' select 'Run as administrator'

Change to drive with 'Ultimate Boot CD' files:
cd d:

Go to dir D:\temp\ubcd528\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb:
cd d:\temp\ubcd528\ubcd\tools\win32\ubcd2usb

Issue a command to write files to usb, making it bootable:

ubcd2usb D:\temp\ubcd528 g:

First is script that writes files, then source of the files, then destination.
If your usb stick is marked as f:, you would use f: instead of g:
ubcd2usb D:\temp\ubcd528 f:

After it is done, enable Avira.